(aetiology - The study of the causes. For example, of a disorder) http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6000385 (SAVE THIS WEBSITE SOMEHWERE, VERY GOODD AND IMPORTANT)
Assessment criteria
Evidence of analytical, evaluative and creative thinking
Evidence of extensive background reading
Evidence of a sound theoretical understanding of the literature reviewed
Correct citation and critical use of relevant theory and empirical evidence to support discussion.
Awareness of ethical considerations
Must demonstrate an underlying psychological component
Standard of English, …show more content…
essay structure, accuracy and completeness of references
Clear and overall presentation
(2000 words)
Medical Model
Similar to physical illness.
Genetics/ hormonal imbalances
Viewed as physical illness therefore treated by physical means e.g. drug therapy , ECT electro convulsive therapy, psychosurgery etc.
Caused by chemicals- neurotransmitters e.g. Dopamine and Noradrenaline .
, Psychological Models
The Psychoanalytical/Psychodynamic Model,
Freud (1856-1939). Treatment may be by Psychoanalysis.
The Behavioural Model, Watson (1878-1958), Skinner (1904-90) . Classical & operant conditioning & modelling. Watson & Raynor (1920) & Albert. Treatment may be by Applied Behaviour Analysis.
The Cognitive Model, one in four clinical psychologists adopt this approach, Prochaska & Norcross, 2003. Associated with (CBT).
The Humanist-Existential Approach- associated with client centred therapy, empathy & unconditional positive regard. Rodgers (1951)- ‘Client Centred Therapy’.
Thomas Szasz- Social model (1961, 1971)
Anxiety Disorders e.g. Phobia Eating Disorders e.g. Anorexia Nervosa
Aetiology of Eating Disorders
No single factor responsible.
Range of Psychological, Sociological and Biological processes.
So broad are the possible influences in ED, that researchers have limited themselves to simply defining the risk factors, (Hayward et al
Current research has a good idea of what risk factors are involved but little insight into how they are involved, (Davey 2009)
Biological/ Genetic factors
First degree relatives of females with AN are more likely to develop an ED, (Strober et al 2000).
Research has located a gene suspected to be involved in the development of AN, this has yet to be confirmed. (Kaye 2002)
Monozygotic twins have higher concordance rates than dizygotic twins for the development of ED, (Bulik, 2004).
Whether a person binges / vomits / restricts seems to be related to environmental factors, (Mazzeo et al 2006), thus underlining the principle of multiple causality. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3882/is_199801/ai_n8787655/pg_18/?tag=content;col1 (psychodynamic approach for eating disorders)
Mood Disorders e.g. Unipolar Depression & Bipolar Depression
Dementias –e.g. Alzheimers, Lewy Body.