Evaluate the role of the current monarchy in one country of your choice. To what extent does it fulfill its purpose?
(Preparatory Project, First Draft)
Ramankulov Assylmurat
Student number: 201202018
Tutor: Samantha Mullins
Date of submission: January 9, 2013
Word count: 1033
Nazarbayev University
University Preparatory Course, UCL Language Center
The history of the monarchy of Great Britain has roots from the distant history. Since the inception of monarchy of Great Britain, it has endured many changes. According to Hunt (2011, 167) the monarchy has influenced to structure national identity, moral sensibility, foreign policy and political system. It has survived the test of time during the centuries. The UK is a constitutional and hereditary monarchy. The current sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. It is important to evaluate the roles of the current monarchy of the United Kingdom because if Britain would have new monarch, the fate of it could be the same or another. Although the monarchy has many roles, this essay will investigate three main roles of the monarchy of the United Kingdom: serving to society, to be …show more content…
Sovereign continues to be part of political system and being the traditional symbol. Religion is key point in developing of monarchy and the main thing that gives authority to it. In various aspects the monarch fulfills its role in different extent. It does well with religion, badly copes with the policy, but tolerably serves the people. After accession and coronation of Elizabeth II, the political environment and social started to go into new condition. In the long years of ruling the Sovereign suits in depending on the requirements of the time. The next monarch has to do the same to save monarchy and its reputation even if it needs to neglect the core of ideas of monarchy and