Evaluate teaching
The teaching practice I would like to critically evaluate is a lesson on the function of gears and bearing’s, the group consisted of six students who had all completed a prior introductory course on the same subject. The session took place in the workshop and was the practical side of the theory, which was taught the previous day. This is a commercial course where company’s put employees on as and when required but the course can be run with up to eight students per course. This particular session went very well and although this was only the second day of a three-day course, the student’s were very relaxed. The session started of with me using an andragogical style of teaching which later changed to a more pedagogical style. Reece & Walker (2000)
Some of the prior learning was remembered, so the practical progressed well. Questions asked were answered well which indicated the information was being received and understood. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs I tried to set up a good working environment for the students in order to promote better learning. Reece & Walker (2000)
The teaching took place in a large workshop, cool and roomy although the cleanliness of the area was not great, as it’s a workshop environment and not a classroom I did not see this as too much of an issue. The work area was arranged so that the students each had their own clearly defined area to work in. The aim of the teaching was clear along with the objectives, which were mentioned on the first day and on the morning of the practical. The session was initially very much tutor, led in an androgogical style, which I have commented on, although the session did change with the group dynamics, I will try to work on this, I will try to work on this as it happened more by accident than design.
References: Reece I & Walker S 2000 Teaching, Training & Learning. Edition 4. Business Education Publishers Limited, Tyne & Wear. Other reading Petty G 2004 Teaching Today A Practical Guide. Edition 3.