Your attendance plan should form an integral part of your school’s broader planning and self-review.
These guidelines for managing attendance are for boards of trustees, principals and teachers. They will help your school:
• focus on student attendance as a foundation forstudent engagement and achievement • develop and implement a robust attendance management plan and effective processes • improve student attendance.
Every school’s plan will be different, so these guidelines pose questions for you to consider when developing your own. The aim is to develop a plan tailored to the needs of your school, your students and your community.
What is an evaluation plan?
An evaluation plan is a short summary of what needs to be evaluated, what information needs to be collected, and how you are intending to collect this information. An evaluation plan is much easier to develop if you have a clearly defined goals, objectives and strategies, as they act like the foundation for the evaluation.
Why have one?
An evaluation plan can help you to:
• make clear what you want to evaluate, when & how
• guide the information you need to collect along the way
• identify and approach people in advance who may be vital for the collection of this information
• work out if ethics approval needs to be sought
• consult with people about the best ways to collect the information
• determine what time and resources are needed for the evaluation
• help ensure the evaluation scale is appropriate to the scale of the project
They can also be an essential requirement from funders.