Reasons for evaluation
According to Robert Slavin there are five reasons for evaluation and these are:
1.) Motivation of students – rewards for good work can stimulate further good work.
2.) Feedback to students- evaluation can reveal strengths and weaknesses of the students, in this regard teacher should give recommendation for improvement based on this information.
3.) Feedback to teachers – evaluation provides information to teachers on the effectiveness of their instruction how well the students have learned and to what extent they are improving.
4.) Information to parents
5.) Information for selection
Longman (1984) Evaluation of students must be fair. Students must feel that the evaluation of their performance is objective and the same for all students. If students feel that some students are evaluated leniently or more strictly than others, the effectiveness of the evaluation will be reduced.
The impact of school evaluation is profound because students are performing their identities during their school years, because they are going through their most critical stages of development. Whether evaluation focuses on academic work, behavior of personal qualities, it affects the student`s reputation among his or her peers.
Types of evaluation
1.) Placement evaluation (pre-assessment) – helps to determine student placement or categorization before instruction takes place before instruction. An example of this is when the want to find out what knowledge and skills the students have mastered to establish a starting point of instruction. Sufficient mastery might suggest that some instructional units may be skipped or treated briefly. Insufficient mastery suggests that certain basic