Exam #1 20% Thursday, February 13
Exam #2 20% Thursday, April 3
Exam #3 20% UNT
Participation 10%
To Calculate your grade use the following formula:
[Exam 1*.20] + [Exam 2*.20] + [Exam 3*.20]+ [Paper*.30] + [Participation*.10]= Final Grade
Research Paper
In class we will focus on four (4) themes of Canadian politics. They are:
1) ethnic cleavages
2) regionalism
3) proximity to the United States
4) Peace, Order, and Good Government (POGG)
Write a paper focusing on one of these themes. The paper should begin by discussing the theme in general. The remainder of the paper should highlight an example that illustrates the relevance of this theme in Canadian politics.
The paper will be turned