The book I chose for the summative essay assignment was “American Sniper” by Chris Kyle. This book is about the courageous and thrilling memoir of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history. With over 100 documented kills during his four tours of duty, Chris Kyle has shed light on the dangerous brave life of a sniper. During his four tours of duty in the Iraq war he has come close to death and saved countless lives. He changed a lot from just being a country boy and became what he describes as a man. The war really changed his perspective on his civilian life. The significance of the Iraq war was to help free the Iraqi civilians of their dictator, Saddam Hussein, and the radical Islamic insurgents who terrorized the Iraqi’s after the fall of Saddam Hussein.…
Saving Private Ryan earned its awards for bringing back the realism of World War 2 and for portraying what the shocking chances of survival were at the historic battle of Omaha beach on D-Day in June 1944. Omaha beach was only one of the invasion sites of the American, British and Canadian coalition forces. The special reason why Steven Spielberg chose to direct his movie with Omaha beach as its backdrop was due to the fact that out of all the other landing sites, Omaha beach was the bloodiest battle field and it took 15,000 lives of young American soldiers to capture the beach. In the past, war genre films meant hardcore action and a hero waging a one man war against an army, a typical movie would be Rambo 3. Although it is based on a true story, it did not take one American to battle the whole Russian army with a bow and arrow. Saving Private Ryan brings back to life the real heroes that fought in a war, men who were willing to…
In the movie, Saving Private Ryan which is set in WWII, it follows a group of soldiers who are sent on mission to find and bring the soldier, private Ryan home. These 8 men were sent on these dangerous mission after the government finds out three of a woman's sons have been killed and that she's going to receive the notifications of their demise at the same time. And when they learn that a fourth son is still unaccounted for, they decide to send a unit to find him and bring him back. The movie follows these 8 men and their struggle to accomplish their mission. The movie shows one of the most authentic depictions of WWII Omaha beach scene compared to other motion pictures. The movie Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg, is an excellent…
Watching the movie Forest Gump for the first time, it was difficult to categorize. Was it a drama? Was it s Comedy? Was it a war film? Was it a historical film? It really fit into all of those categories. It was an unconventional film about the history of America over 30 years, seen through the eyes of a mentally challenged man with an IQ below 65. It was a modern fable, a dreamlike fairy tale, on how to live one’s own life to the fullest. The movie was enhanced greatly by the use of voice-over narration. Forrest (Tom Hanks) participated in the action of the story, but also acted as the narrator. In the background of the narration, soft music was playing at times. The movie Forrest Gump, was filled with much detailed, essential information and multiple twists. There was not a visual way through action to advance the plot or characters through action. Voice-over narration was used, which allowed me to go inside the experience of the characters. Much of the movie’s humor came from Forrest’s voice-over narration. The story was narrated from a bus-stop bench by Forrest. The narration was in a third-person view, with what sounded like an Alabama accent. Forest unwittingly simplified major historical events and sometimes got them wrong. An example was when Forrest described the Ku Klux Klan. He described how they would dress up in bed sheets and ride around on their horses, acting like a bunch of ghosts or spooks. The voice of Forrest had a neutral tone to it. It allowed me to see Forrest’s side, but also allowed me to draw my own opinion. There was a scene in the movie where Forrest breaks out of his leg braces as he ran away from a pack of bullies. Forrest was clear in his narration, and never lost focus despite the intense action taking place in the scene. There was another scene in the movie where…
It captures the daring of the handful of Navy men who threw their fast PT-boat squadron against the Japanese in the first days of war. “Ford’s formal intention was to shoot within the realist conventions, a war, time battle epic about people and conditions that was authentic, recognizable, to Ford’s own actual considerable World War II was experiences” (Purcel 30). This film was produced as the war was going allowing it to be based on actual events, drawing on the historical memory of the audience. “They Were Expendables is John Fords more direct war film, with both the national and personal nearness to the war” (Sickels 91). The emotionalism is primary emphasized on the honor and courage of a small group of ordinary men in the face of defeat and a high demand. In the film, there are no emotional speeches but sacrifices, which the audience is able to experience because actions are more understood than words. “People are moved by this film because it reflected on something that their emotions still have not comprehended” (Everson 91). John Ford earned two Academy Awards for his World War II documentary because of dedication to duty and sacrifice of the men and created a stronger American society to remain strong during times of war. Another one based off the Korean War then followed this…
Lyman states it has: “sumptuous visuals and state-of-the-art sound”(Lyman par 1). This shows that even for 1998, the graphics and special effects are way ahead of its time and are almost like a time capsule back to WW2 when it actually happened. Another critic agrees, stating: Though the experience it recounts is grueling, the viscerally enthralling “Saving Private Ryan” is anything but” (Maslin par 3). This shows that Maslin thinks it’s very gory, but is very worth watching and has phenomenal graphics. These statements make it obvious that it has very nice graphics and special effects; and that it has great illustrations of some of the actual battle scenes that happened in…
Eliezer Wiesel, like many other Jews, had to face and battle with suicidal thoughts and the temptation of abandoning everything by simply letting oneself die. Elie Wiesel was tempted to commit suicide in the very beginning, during the first selection that he went through. After the witnessing the death of the babies being burnt in a ditch, as he said it in the novel, “[…], I do not want to wait here. I am going to run in the electric wire. That would be better than slow agony in the flames.” (Page 31). Further in the novel, his father fell ill with dysentery. Shortly before his parent’s death, Eliezer Wiesel was advised to eat his own father’s ration of bread and soup, because the latter was going to die either way; “[…] There’s nothing you…
The movie now follows along with 3 soldiers, as well as Shaw, and his second in command, Major Cabot Forbes, played by Cary Elwes. The first is soldier is Trip, played by Denzel Washington, a bull headed soldier who seems to want to fight the world. The second is the calm and educated Thomas Searles, played by Andre Braugher. The last is John Rawlins who later becomes Sergeant Major, the first rank holding black officer. The viewer begins to see conflicts between member's of the regiment, and between Shaw and his fromer friend Forbes.…
Black Hawk Down is a book by Mark Bowden, who is a journalist that documented the Battle of Mogadishu in his book. It is less of a story, and more of a collection of different accounts and recollections of people that were fighting in that battle. It is written as though the reader is a 3rd party, but they are also right there within the action. The book starts with the explanation of many of the people's backgrounds that will become a major part in the book to follow. During these introductions, the author explains what each other thinks about themselves, their comrades, and the war they are fighting in, as well as their thoughts for the battle to come. Many of the people were actually excited for the battle that…
The Battle of Saratoga was an event that was created by other situations before it. In 1777, the British army planned a three part attack. These attacks would be from three different directions to confuse the Patriots and stay on target. This was to seize Albany, New York and gain control of the nearby Hudson River. In turn, it would cut off the New England colonies from the Middle Colonies as the Hudson River connects both regions. It started with General Burgoyne, a leading British general, leading troops from Canada to Albany. Lieutenant Colonel Barry St. Leger also moved East from Lake Ontario at this time. Finally, a third group under General Howe moved up from the Hudson. These forces moved as one strong mass and coordinated every…
Great novels aren’t just born, they’re created by people who put time and effort to create something extraordinary for their audience to experience first hand. Most novels written by authors are easily forgotten by their readers, but there are only a handful of novels that will always be passed down from generation to generation. They tell more than a story, they tell a moral, a significant message that will always be remembered. Novels like In Search of Lost Time, Hamlet, The Odyssey, and War and Peace will be recalled for generations to come. They are unique novels that carry a lesson that can’t be taught through anything else, except for the novel itself. Stephen Crane has outdone himself with one of his great works that he created, one of the most…
In the “Red Badge of Courage” Stephen Crane demonstrates the use of naturalism. The novel shows how Henry, a young union soldier, struggles with war and becoming a man. Henry joined the war because he wanted to experience the glory of fighting and winning. While Henry is in the wilderness, Crane uses nature as naturalism and makes nature a model for Henry’s acts.…
Starship Troopers is a classic novel written in 1959 by retired Navy Lieutenant Robert Heinlein. At the time that it was published Starship Troopers was controversial yet won the Hugo Award in the 1960’s for being one of the best science fiction novels. One of the controversies surrounding the book is the main character’s history teacher’s view on violence and how violence “has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” The book had such a cult following that there has been a film adaptation. It is a work of literature that has stood the test of time and is being read in our schools today. This may not seem shocking for such a classic book, but being science fiction it is a true accomplishment.…
“Now We Can Begin” an essay by Crystal Eastman is a very powerful essay. Eastman makes the point know in her essay that an honest and true feminist no matter where she stands in the movement she will see to the woman’s fight with strength and courage and how it matters in the future and as well as its difference in its approach for the workers fight for industrial freedom. Eastman state “In fighting for the right to vote most women have tried to be either non-committal or thoroughly respectable on every other subject. Now they can say what they are really after; and what they are after, in common with all the rest of the struggling world, is freedom” (Eastman).…
The Great Depression was an awful point in history. It was a worldwide economic slump of the 1930’s. Banks, factories, and shops all closed. Millions of people were left jobless. Many people had to depend on the government or charity to provide them with their everyday needs. Rising unemployment, declining production, and falling prices spread rapidly to the rest of the world in the early 1930's. The Depression caused world trade to slow down a lot, as countries tried to help their own industries by increasing restrictions on imports.…