The scope of the modern century has caused a rift in the way business is conducted. This isn’t to say that this rift cannot generate new, worthwhile ideas, but that it’s centered around a particular concept: rapidity. The fastest way for a message to reach another person is through an electronic circumstance, such as email, text, and so on. As businesses begin to include these services into their daily routine, expediting the way they do business and the way in which they need to conduct themselves, change occurs. These organizational changes, however, still must find precedent in how to motivate their workers and their efficiency through longstanding theories. This paper evaluates a number of theories that are still relatable to today’s world in order to better inform the question around how organization’s must manage and motivate their workers in a twenty-first century concern.
Evaluating Motivation Theories in Today’s World
In his 1984 publication, Organization Behaviour, Mrityunjoy Banerjee posits, “ . . . what specific things motivate people?" (72). In a world that is newly cemented into a technological evolution, the "game" of work has changed. It has become a less tangible process. When one used to wake and head to the office, their responsibilities often involved sitting at a desk, no computer, or, if there was a computer, it wasn 't a conduit into the world of the Internet. Nowadays, most work is conducted almost exclusively in a digital form making computers the lifeblood of most operations. In fact, some people are even able to conduct their line of work from satellite places, such as the comforts of home, or a local coffee shop. The course of output has been altered, and the idea of, and demand for, a global market has widened, creating strikingly panoramic views of business and commerce. And, this is all thanks to only the last twenty years of online activity.
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