The evaluation of current government policies on parking shortage problem in Shanghai and suggest possible solutions.
1. Introduction - Situation of parking shortage problem in Shanghai
The number of vehicles in Shanghai has increased during recent years. There is greater demand for parking spaces. However, the number of parking spaces failed to fulfill the demand for the parking spaces due to various reasons, which leads to parking spaces shortage problem. According to National Bureau of Statistics of China (2012), there were 2.12 million cars in Shanghai in 2012. While the number of registered public parking spaces was 389 thousand till June, 2012, the gap between the supply and the demand is still large and estimated to be around 300 thousand (China Daily, 2012). Also, It is estimated that by the end of 2015 the demand will widen the shortage to 450,000. High shortage of parking spaces will lead to various consequences, such as increased likeliness of illegal parking and higher parking fee. This brings wide range of adverse effects to the urban transport. Yang (2012) pointed out that the parking spaces shortage problem in the city centre was much severe than that of the rural area. Most of the car owners were unwilling to park their cars in the carpark as the parking fee was too high to afford, hence there was always illegal parking at the roadside. The illegal parking record rose from 1.94 million in 2011 to 2.18 million in 2012. Moreover, there were some parking spaces underutilized because of the high parking fee. Thus, it is of paramount importance to tackle the parking spaces shortage problem as soon as possible.
The Shanghai government mitigated the parking shortage problem from supply and demand perspective. From the supply side, the local government introduced mobile parking spaces in the downtown region so as to increase the supply of parking spaces. From the demand side, the city government introduced car plate auction system, which implies
1. Introduction - Situation of parking shortage problem in Shanghai
The number of vehicles in Shanghai has increased during recent years. There is greater demand for parking spaces. However, the number of parking spaces failed to fulfill the demand for the parking spaces due to various reasons, which leads to parking spaces shortage problem. According to National Bureau of Statistics of China (2012), there were 2.12 million cars in Shanghai in 2012. While the number of registered public parking spaces was 389 thousand till June, 2012, the gap between the supply and the demand is still large and estimated to be around 300 thousand (China Daily, 2012). Also, It is estimated that by the end of 2015 the demand will widen the shortage to 450,000. High shortage of parking spaces will lead to various consequences, such as increased likeliness of illegal parking and higher parking fee. This brings wide range of adverse effects to the urban transport. Yang (2012) pointed out that the parking spaces shortage problem in the city centre was much severe than that of the rural area. Most of the car owners were unwilling to park their cars in the carpark as the parking fee was too high to afford, hence there was always illegal parking at the roadside. The illegal parking record rose from 1.94 million in 2011 to 2.18 million in 2012. Moreover, there were some parking spaces underutilized because of the high parking fee. Thus, it is of paramount importance to tackle the parking spaces shortage problem as soon as possible.
The Shanghai government mitigated the parking shortage problem from supply and demand perspective. From the supply side, the local government introduced mobile parking spaces in the downtown region so as to increase the supply of parking spaces. From the demand side, the city government introduced car plate auction system, which implies
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