So I am going to try and write this paper according to my own experience of using the product, which design I intend to evaluate, because what seems beautiful to one person, might not appeal at all to the other. And let us not forget that good design is not just something beautiful, it is much more that that. It is the perception of an object, and to evaluate it correctly one must use it in their daily life, because first impressions can be deceiving. A good example of this is a story that happened to Steve Jobs and Jony Ive, Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple inc. and a graduate of Northumbria University. Once “they were traveling in France and went into a kitchen supply store. Ive picked up a knife he admired, but then put it down in disappointment. Jobs did the same. ‘We both noticed a tiny bit of glue between the handle and the blade,’ Ive recalled. They talked about how the knife’s good design had been ruined by the way it was manufactured” (Isaacson, 2011, p.226). Being a big fan of Apple inc. I strongly agree with the philosophy of Dieter Rams, German industrial designer, whose works have been inspiring Jony Ive all the time since he started creating Apple products, and I will try to evaluate the design of the chosen object with the help of his ten principles of good design.
References: Isaacson, W. (2011) Steve Jobs, London : Little, Brown Dieter Rams: ten principles for good design, [] Carbon, C and Leder, H., “Design evaluation.” Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2007, Vol.24(2), pp.33-37