Based on the classic novel, by Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, is set in a small Alabama town in the 1930's. This complicated and sophisticated story is presented simply; a mesmerizing feature is the ability of the grown up Scout to narrate the film as an adult looking back while simultaneously displaying the view of the world through the innocence of a child. Controversial subject matter such as racism, judgment, and injustice are themes throughout the film, the harsh reality of these elements are softened by the incorruptibility of Scout. Although the movie does not express outright what the children think and feel the unique set up allows you to look upward at each situation. Seeing it through the eyes of a child grants you the ability to understand their perspective. Some critics, however, say this is the one flaw
Based on the classic novel, by Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, is set in a small Alabama town in the 1930's. This complicated and sophisticated story is presented simply; a mesmerizing feature is the ability of the grown up Scout to narrate the film as an adult looking back while simultaneously displaying the view of the world through the innocence of a child. Controversial subject matter such as racism, judgment, and injustice are themes throughout the film, the harsh reality of these elements are softened by the incorruptibility of Scout. Although the movie does not express outright what the children think and feel the unique set up allows you to look upward at each situation. Seeing it through the eyes of a child grants you the ability to understand their perspective. Some critics, however, say this is the one flaw