Evaluation Systems and Systems Evaluation:
Building Capacity and Tools for Enhancing STEM Education Evaluation
This research is designed to enhance the capability of the field of evaluation to develop more effective evaluation systems and to conduct more rigorous systems evaluation. By evaluation system we mean the comprehensive and integrated set of capabilities, resources, activities and support mechanisms for conducting evaluation work. By systems evaluation, we mean the assessment of the functions, products, outcomes and impacts of a set of programs, activities or interventions. The intellectual merit of this research stems from its contribution to the improvement of our understanding of the role of systems in evaluation specifically through (1) development of a formal model of evaluation system needs that provides structure for evaluation capacity building and delivery; (2) development of one or more measures of evaluation systems capacity; and (3) conducting a pilot test of an evaluation capacity-building system and measure(s). The broader impacts of this research stem from the way it will: strengthen the infrastructure for research and evaluation through the development of new measures for local evaluation capacity building ; and, develop a new evaluation network that will serve as a model for multi-institutional multi-program evaluation partnerships.
The specific context for this effort is the evaluation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) education programs, but its implications extend to the field of evaluation generally. The research will result in a set of specific products that will have immediate utility in STEM education and be adaptable to non-STEM contexts, including a measurement approach and instrument(s) that can be used to assess and monitor evaluation capacity and support in a STEM outreach and educational system.
This project is directed at how we might develop more effective
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