Strategic Pay rates of DBL Group
Submitted To: Submitted By:
Prof Dr Shahid Uddin Ahmed Riasat Kibria Evan
Guest Faculty and Course Instructor ID no- 13364006
BRAC Business School Course no-HRM 502
BRAC University
Submission date-16.4.2014
Letter of Transmittal April 16 ,2014
Prof Dr Shahid Uddin Ahmed
Guest Faculty and Course Instructor
BRAC Business School.
Letter of transmittal
With the reference to your authorization, I hereby submit my Term Paper on “Strategic pay rates of DBL Group.” Hope this term paper will help you to be more informative regarding.
I am always prepared to assist you by going through the report.
Yours Sincerely,
Riasat Kibria Evan
ID: 13364006
BRAC Business School,
BRAC University
First of all I would like to thanks to Almighty Allah without His blessings I could not able to finish the term paper. I am really lucky enough to have our honorable faculty Prof Dr Shahid Uddin Ahmed as my instructor. His proper guidelines helped me a lot. Along with him I would like to thanks Mr Biplob Barua AGM and Head of HR of DBL group for his patience support for my quarries.
Executive Summary
The Term paper is all about the Establishing pay rates relating to DBL group. The paper mainly covers the compensation management system of DBL group. Within the arena of paper, all the practices of DBL group relating to Pay rates have been examined as to understand the salary rate of DBL group, Establishing pay rates includes many more things and one of them is Job evaluation. Job evaluation is very important to understand the worthiness of job that could the base of establish pay rates. The paper also covers