Event Driven Programming (2010) ~ Unit 14 ~ Unit Code : F/601/7281 Level 3
14.P1 14.P2 14.P3 14.P4 14.P5 14.P6 14.M1 Explain the key features of event driven programs. Demonstrate the use of event driven tools and techniques. Design an event driven application to meet defined requirements. Implement a working event driven application to meet defined requirements. Test an event driven application. Create onscreen help to assist the users of a computer program. Discuss how an operating system can be viewed as an event driven application.
14.M2 Give reasons for the tools and techniques used in the production of an event driven application. 14.M3 Analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies. 14.M4 Create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of a computer program. 14.D1 14.D2 Evaluate the suitability of event driven programs for nongraphical applications. Evaluate an event driven application.
14.P1 - Key Features 14.P1 Explain the key features of event driven programs.
1.1 Key features: service oriented; time driven; event handlers; trigger functions; events e.g. mouse, keyboard, HTML object, form, user interface; event loops; flexibility; suitability for graphical interfaces; simplicity of programming; ease of development. Examples: operating systems as event driven systems; Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Programming languages: e.g. Visual Basic (VB), Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Coldfusion; Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
1.2 1.3
For P1, learners must explain the features required to implement a given design. This refers to the features section of the unit content for learning outcome 1. In order to achieve this criterion, learners must describe the features clearly and logically, showing they have recognised the underpinning principles and in particular, the reasons why triggers and timing are important. A presentation or leaflet would be a