* Ingenious, original, independent, unconventional
* Challenges problem definition
* Does things differently
* Discovers problems and avenues for their solutions
* Manipulates problems by questioning existing assumptions
* Is a catalyst to unsettled groups, despite their consensual views
Now here are general characteristics of adaptors:
* Efficient, thorough, methodical, organized, precise, reliable
* Accepts problem definition
* Does things better
* Concerned with resolving problems versus identifying them
* Seeks solutions in tried-and-true ways
* Reduces problems by improvement and enhanced efficiency, while aiming at continuity and stability
What is your problem-solving style? Each mode has its advantages, and the most successful leaders are those who can use both styles of creative problem-solving flexibly. These characteristics mark that of an Innovation champion and an agent for change within an organization.
An innovation champion can nurture a culture of sustained Innovation in a company by taking a three-step approach.
1. Define the desired culture. Doing so will help the organization to understand what innovative behavior looks like and to bring that change to the company. Quantify the goal, such as “one new product to market per year.” Determine the champions and key players you’ll need to bring on board from all parts of the organization, including marketing, sales, finance, manufacturing, etc.
2. Establish the foundations. Devise a method to