Mrs. Putt
Honors junior English-1
3 December, 2014
Every person has a dream. Big or small, it is something that is their own. A dream is a driving force of motivation. A dream gets a person through everyday life knowing there is something, anything better out there to hope for. Everybody has a dream, but not everybody achieves that dream. Why? There is one specific answer when looking at this question. That, is that fear stops them, but courage keeps them asking. What is fear and why do we lean on it so much? What gives us the feeling of courage to fight our fear? These questions pose much indifference between the two topics. Fear seems so simple but when contradicted with courage, it is given a more deeper and complex meaning. Fear and courage are both compelling emotions in their own ways yet they hold similarities to each other that may not be familiar at first. Fear is easy. Those who look for the simple or easy way out see fear as an opportunity. It is an excuse to not take a risk. Fear is looking something challenging and scary in the eye and running away as far as possible. Fear is an excuse to avoid life and stay hidden amongst the shadows, because so many people choose not to be shown for what they are. Fear is a cousin to lazy, and leads a person on the path of resistance. It is simply a thief of opportunity and self gain. It is not rewarding but safe. Fear is the guardian emotion. Fear strikes everybody at some point in life. For some it may strike every day. Fear really embodies us through our decisions, whether simple or lively impactful. Fear decides what side will be taken based on the narrow opinion it embodies a person to take. Nobody truly likes to be afraid. Fear comes from the uncomfortable part of the mind that looks at a situation and says “this thing that’s about to happens poses some danger so you better stop.” The funny thing is, a person will listen to that fear. They will shield themselves from the obstacles it takes to