What is gaming? How do you become a gamer? What is the difference between being a gamer and being addicted to it?
“Experts are now warning that addiction to technology is becoming the fastest growing illness of the 21st century", this just one thing “experts” are announcing. You do not have to be an expert to know that technology is becoming an illness. We are relying on technology to cure diseases and to exploit as much as possible of resource left on the planet. Technology addiction are analyzed in different ways, computers and computer games are the most commonly analyzed, when we are talking about technology addiction. The student adviser Vince says and I quote: “but you can't tell for a long time if someone is just sitting in front of a computer. I have seen straight-A students who go to Fs because they think World of Warcraft is more important." Through my own experience, I know that World of Warcraft requires a lot of your time, especially when you are a rookies/beginners in the game.
Afterwards in the text, it says and I quote:
“First, there is no conclusive evidence based on an in-depth review of the literature that gaming can be qualified as 'addictive”. I think that one of the main reasons why “experts” cannot find any evidence, which guaranties with one hundred percent certainty that gaming is a kind of addiction. The “experts” commenting on addiction of gaming, do not only need the education, but the experience about gaming as well.
The kid Cameron Sandler plays countless hours every single day, he has quit school to play World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is the most successful game in the world, more than seven million people is playing the game every day. Cameron Sandler are just one out millions of people playing this video game for countless hours, I do not really blame those people and I have myself played this game for more than a thousand hours. I have played the game on professional level, which gives the