October 12, 2013
Individual Assignment #1
Evidence: CRJS355
Real/ Physical Evidence
Real or physical evidence is evidence that can be addressed to the court directly without any interposing of a testimony of witness other than what is required of the basis for such evidence. Real evidence and physical evidence is basically the same thing physical evidence is just object that has been involved in the actual crime scene or took place and played some type of part in it. But when it comes to real evidence it basically fits into two categories such as demonstrative evidence and real evidence. The different between what brings physical evidence into demonstrative and real evidence is real evidence represent or involved the production of some sort of object. The object had to have some huge part in whatever that took place which has to include some exhibition of different injured on the body such as demonstrative evidence which is some type of way has no value within itself to stand up in the courtroom but through its visual aids like models, maps, photograph can help the jury or judge get a better understanding of the testimony of the witness .
Demonstrative evidence is just a way to engage into the courtroom to let people know or feel what the victim went through in a way. That is kind of smart because certain cases demonstrative evidence work wonderfully for the prosecution. Examples of real evidence can be material objects, photographs, and video recordings. The material object evidence can be the murder weapon in a murder scene that will be consider a piece of real evidence that can be used in the courtroom. But, it can be very hard to find a murder weapon because usually the guilty party would get rid of it and destroy it. But, that is when oral evidence and photographs of the murder weapon or someone seeing it comes to play and it seems to be admissible in court rooms so actually having those objects work
References: Circumstantial Evidence. (n.d). Retrieved from the free dictionary: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Circumstantial+Evidence demonstrative evidence. (2013). Retrieved from Law.Com: http://definitions.uslegal.com/r/real-evidence/ Direct Evidence. (n.d). Retrieved from the free dictionary: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Direct+Evidence Real Evidence Law and Legal Definition. (2013). Retrieved from US Legal: http://definitions.uslegal.com/r/real-evidence/