Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is defined as “The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external evidence from systematic research” (Gerrish & Lacey, 2010). EBP is critically important in today’s clinical settings because of its potential to save both nursing time and healthcare dollars (Gerrish & Lacey, 2010). Using the evidence to guide practice streamlines nursing care. Practices that are not necessary are eliminated, and ineffective practices are replaced with practices that result in the desired outcomes. Using research also decreases the need for trial-and-error methods for finding what works best. In each case, nursing time is not spent on ineffective procedures or trying …show more content…
Armitage is married and has two adult children, one of whom helps him and his wife with their grocery store business. The Armitages live about an hour from their business and commute daily by automobile. Both report that the commute is, at times, stressful for both. It appears that the high cholesterol, apnea, hypertension and type-II diabetes that Mr. Armitage is experiencing may have some potential genetic predispositions as well as lifestyle issues. His father died of coronary disease at age 78 and his uncle at age 72.
Mr. Armitage reports no allergies, but does admit that he has been unable to remain on a healthy diet (low-glycemic) due to work schedules and pressures (time etc.). He drinks alcohol in moderation and limits sugary sodas, but admits to not drinking enough water during most days. He sleeps less than 8 hours, but because of frequent urination and apnea, he does not feel that he ever gets enough sleep. His current medical regimen includes an 80mg low dose of aspirin and a statin that he admits to not using regularly.
Problems and guiding