It is hard to see how one professional is supposed to keep up with all of new advances and techniques that are published every year. It could be difficult to keep up with work and have time to research new techniques and medicines. One way that this can be resolved is to set aside time every single week or even every month to do research. This is a god way to not get behind on the new way of medicine. A second way to resolve this would be to split the research with another professional. This way the time would be cut in
It is hard to see how one professional is supposed to keep up with all of new advances and techniques that are published every year. It could be difficult to keep up with work and have time to research new techniques and medicines. One way that this can be resolved is to set aside time every single week or even every month to do research. This is a god way to not get behind on the new way of medicine. A second way to resolve this would be to split the research with another professional. This way the time would be cut in