Discuss how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach.…
In the article, Back to Basics: Implementing Evidence- based Practice, the author, Lisa Spruce (2015), explains that health care is transitioning from volume based to value-based care. In order to create this value-based care, we need to put into action, evidence based practice (Spruce, 2015). Evidence based practice takes into consideration effectiveness by using research, patient preference and clinic experience, as well as cost-effectiveness (Spruce, 2015). When using this type of practice, a clinician is more likely to follow policy if they are able to understand and explain why they follow certain procedures, instead of just complying to a rule because it is a rule (Spruce, 2015).…
Urine Test : this method of testing has been the commonest method of sugar testing, this can be done by comparing the color charts to detects the amount of glucose in the urine by dipping clinistix in urine specimen however it is not accurate sometimes although it simple and fast to…
The evidence-based practice is a clinical activity which is based on the belief that decision about the delivery of care to clients should be informed by the best available and current scientific evidence (Beanland et al 2011). So as a nurse it is important to understand why evidence based practice is essential when caring for a patient and to be able to apply the best possible evidence to each individual situation.…
A number of studies reveal that the advantages of implementing evidence-based practice by nurses and other health professional’s results in the advancement quality of care that leads to enhanced patient outcomes. Furthermore, the current use of evidence-based in the clinical setting would result in increased patient outcome since the evidence-based practice includes multidisciplinary recommendations that could facilitate all nurses in addressing questions related to the best patient care.…
(2015). Impact of Changes in the NHSN Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Surveillance criteria on the Frequency and Epidemiology of CAUTI in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 36(3), 346-349. doi:10.1017/ice.2014.67. Retrieved from EBSCO…
Hagman, J., Oman, K., Kleiner, C., Johnson, E., & Nordhagen, J. (2013). Lessons Learned From the Implementation of a Bedside Handoff Model. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(6), 315-317.…
In this section, students describe what worries them about current practice. They answer the question, what…
The PICOT Model formulates the clinical questions. The PICOT Model has five steps, P: patient/population, I: intervention, C: current practice, O: outcome, T: time. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care emphasis the importance of considering the entire healthcare system from the provider to the patient and it gives large systems an effective, team-centered approach to implement evidence-based practice in the clinical setting and is used for sweeping, system-wide changes in practice. The Iowa model has seven steps, the seven steps are identify a problem or new knowledge, prioritize the issues and form a team, team reviews, critiques and synthesizes the evidence…
Evidence based practice helps us to ensure that we are providing the best possible care to our patients. By basing our care on practices that have outcomes based on evidence just makes since. They have been tested and proven to be effective on patients. We don’t have to do trial and error to find out what works the best for our patients, the work has been done for us. This gives our patients the best care possible. Many changes have been made over the past 10 years based on evidence based practices. There are many resources available to nurses, nurse managers, administrators and others that provide research that has been completed. These resources include different kinds of studies that have been performed. They include cohort studies, case…
The aim of this assignment is to discuss the relevance of evidence based practice (EBP) whilst practicing as a professional social worker. With reference to my chosen focus question, the qualitative stance has been chosen in the form of population, issue and outcome (PIO). The specific focus question which I have chosen for this piece of work is homelessness. Various research methods with be undertaken and explained, in order to discover three relevant papers which relate to the focus question.…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been emphasized since the publication of the Institute of Medicine’s report “To Err Is Human”. Nurses should be able to not only provide standard care within the scope of practice but also deliver safe care based on the best EBP that is most up-to-date at that time. Furthermore, research is developed based on the current evidence-based practice. Research nurses work on new projects to conceptualize innovative ideas, generate literature research, and conduct clinical trials to develop new evidence-based practice. The reason why evidence-based practice and research are important is because health…
Kitson, a., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., (1998). Enabling the implementation of evidence based practice: a conceptual framework. Quality in Health Care, 7, 149-158. doi: 10.1136/qshc.7.3.149…
Patient-centered care is globally becoming the focus in the health care system, resulting in the integration of evidence-based practice to improve care. Evidence-based practice has been introduced to the health care industry to incorporate clinical expertise, scientific research, and the values as well as preferences of patients to ensure that the patient is the focus of care. Nurses play a crucial role in the implementation of evidence-based practice to ensure that clinical decisions based on current evidence, patient values, and clinical expertise guide the care provided to the patient. To improve care, nurses must consider what decisions should be made for the care of a patient through careful assessment of patient preferences while also…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a system of incorporating research findings into nursing practice so as to improve the therapeutic outcomes. (Polit, F. D & Beck, T. C, 2010). “The evidence based practice places particular emphasis on the use of evidence, in particular research findings, in clinical decision making”. (Parahoo, K, 2006). During past clinical exposures, the issues regarding post natal depression were found as a less explored one because of the complex involvement of both mental health nursing and maternal and child health nursing. “Postpartum psychosis is a manifestation of a life time vulnerability to affective disorders with child birth as the precipitating factor” (Spinelli, M. G, 2009).The focused clinical question discussed here, which is an important element in an evidence based practice is as follows; How effective is the education of nurses about postpartum depression in…