The concept of evil can be divided into two categories, natural and moral evil. Natural evil is suffering caused by environmental factors rather than human actions, whereas moral evil is suffering caused by human actions (Reuter 8/29). Humans are not in control of natural evil. Natural evil comes from a higher being. It is in the nature of some things to produce suffering. They can come in the forms of hurricanes, floods, …show more content…
I learned that evil in Hinduism is temporary, it is not all bad and the divine will intervene if need be. This is where the notion of karma comes to play. Karma deals all with your actions. Good actions result in higher rebirth while negative actions lead to a lower rebirth. Evil in the Buddhism faith is when an individual tries to find inner peace like the Buddha and is a renouncer of evil. In the Buddhist perspective suffering is woven into existence so you just need to let it go. I believe that these two are some of the biggest differences between the concept of evil in Hinduism and Buddhism (Nichols 8/31). Karma is a very interesting response to the problem of evil that has a different response to other religions. According to this worldview, there is no such thing as evil. There are "bad" people, who are bad because they have done or continue to do bad things; bad events happen as a result of karma as