Blatty brings up a few key questions up to Haldane about the most ancient philosophical meanings. The first big question is what is the source of order in the universe? Acquiring an Intellectual analysis Blatty’s view through his own experience illustrates that “exploding from oneness into multiplicity, we can become the physical universe, space-time, light cloaked in matter, for in no other way but in bodies could we risk, could we grow and evolve back into oneself” (pg 14). People who fall under those categories are the people I would expect to be wasting or taking granted for their lives. The second big question Blatty brings up is the meaning of evil. People can be good but make bad choices in other words they can be good but choose to make evil choices for good reasons. For example, a person is broke and looking for money but can find a job so he robs a bank and now he has money to pay his bills and feed his starving kids. The man made a bad decision for good intentions, this shows how difficult this question can be to understand or answer. These ideas involve how we think in today’s world because on one hand, you can take your wealth or people for granted and it’ll go away before you know it, leaving you empty-handed. On the other hand, growing together can be gained rightfully and yet we still misuse the idea of …show more content…
Investigating a different aspect of good and evil we view the works of Blatty’s film “The exorcist” to grasp the idea Haldane is describing. Throughout the passage, he enlightens us about how the exorcist is a perfect film to describe how the battle between good and evil is best understood. Haldane was explaining how when he finally finished this article, the experience left him with a sense that “the battle of good against evil is not one between a god in heaven and a devil in hell, but rather is a struggle within the world between aspects of a single creature, us, struggling to make its way back, of its own accord, to where it once came from, and to where it hopes to go again” (pg 14). From this aspect, Haldane’s view makes a little bit more sense to me now understand where the aspect of good and evil arise from. After reading this sentence, I could fully say that the way good and evil impacts a person’s life is through there decisions they make and the virtue they have when they do so.
Overall, the article “Evil to Good to God” written by John Haldane was a very interesting piece, just like Exploring Christianity has been an interesting class so far. There were a lot of topics of discussion put into just four pages. The topics of the basis of religion and faith, philosophical intentions and as well as the battle between