
Evolution & Impact of Cloud Computing in Indian It Industry

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Evolution & Impact of Cloud Computing in Indian It Industry
By Kallal Nath ENROLLMENT NO.-09BS0000997

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA Program of the ICFAI University, Dehradun

Distribution List
Prof. Prashobhan Palakkeel (Faculty, IBS Bangalore)

Date of Submission: 14th May 2010

This is to certify that Kallal Nath, Enrollment No. 09BS0000997 has successfully completed the Management Research Project assigned to him as a partial fulfillment of the requirement in the MBA program of IBS, Bangalore, under our guidance and supervision. He has worked on the project title “Evolution and Impact of Cloud Computing in Indian IT Industry” during the project period 1st August 2010 to 31st January 2010. This project is done for partial fulfillment of the MBA programme from the aforesaid institute. We wish him all the best in her future endeavors and career.

Project Guide: Prof. Prashobhan Palakkeel (Faculty, IBS Bangalore)


It was a great opportunity for me to work in a project in the field of Cloud Computing. I am extremely grateful to all those who have shared their expertise and knowledge with me and without whom the completion of this project would have been virtually impossible. Firstly, I would like to offer my gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. Lata Chakravarthy, Director, IBS Bangalore for providing me opportunity to work on this booming field in the IT industry. I would also like to thank Prof. Veena Bhatt and Prof. Prashobhan Palakkeel whose kind cooperation and sincere help have contributed a lot in successful completion of this project. Their constant endeavor, unmatched knowledge and great skill have been the cornerstones of this project and their valuable inputs were of great help during my endeavor to complete this

References: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 8) Glossary-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 vii

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