Evolution of Homeland Security
Evolution of Homeland security The evolution of Homeland security started in September 11, 2011. When terrorist took control of 4 flights in the United States and planed to kill millions of lives including their own lives. Everyone knows this day as 9/11. When ex-president George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security act of 2002. There were 22 agencies that were inherited into the DHS and three agencies that were not included in the DHS. The agencies that make up part of the DHS were formerly Dept. of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Justice, Transportation, and Treasury or in independent bodies were combined and reorganized in the new department. The departments were transferred in March 2003 that was affected with the change. The creation of DHS involved the largest restructuring of the executive branch of the federal government since the Defense Department in (1947- 1949). Tom Ridge was appointed October 2001 to the head of Office of Homeland Security. He became the first secretary of the department on January 24, 2003. The DHS is the third largest executive department in the federal government. The F.B.I., C.I.A., and N.S.A. are among the agencies with functions relating to Homeland Security that were not included in DHS. In congressional testimony shortly after 9/11, David Walker, the U.S. comptroller general and head of Government Accountability Office, highlighted several issues for current and future decision making regarding homeland security. The Questions were as follows:
Question 1. What national vision and objectives will make the homeland more secure?
Question 2. What leadership is needed to guide our efforts and leverage resources within and outside government?
Question 3. What approach to risk management will identify threats, vulnerabilities, and the critical assets that we must protect?
Question 4. What federal tools and programs provide the most cost effective
Cited: The Tim McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook by Kamien.
DHS- Department of Homeland Security
Breeden, William October 04, 2011
HSI 150 Intro to Homeland Security
Rob Duke