Fall, 2005
Professor Paul A. Lombardo
Center for Biomedical Ethics
Office: University Hospital, Davis 5337
Phone: 982-4227 pal8g@virginia.edu Texts
1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled & edited by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) [available at the law school copy center]
2) Limits: The Role of Law in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin (Indiana, 1996) & Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed the Practice of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper-Collins, 1991). [These are available for background material.--on reserve at the Law Library & the Center for Bioethics]
The field of Bioethics has developed over the past thirty years as a product of several shifts in American cultural consciousness. The pervasive use of rights-based rhetoric borrowed from the civil rights movement contributed to the evolution in the role of physicians as they relate to patients. An ongoing conversation about the impact of law in shaping medical practice also influenced the current complexion of Bioethics as an area of study. A number of legal cases stand as signposts for critical moments in the history of Bioethics. They mark the changing public perception of the intersection of science, medicine, personal values and law. This seminar explores those cases.
The first two weeks of the seminar will include a course orientation and exploration of two cases by the instructor. Each week thereafter will feature a presentation on one or more seminal cases, prepared by one or more students. The second hour of the seminar will be a discussion period that focuses on the cultural impact, legal significance and ethical issues raised by the cases. In addition to a class case presentation and involvement in seminar discussions, each law student will be required to complete a research paper building on material presented during the case presentation. Students should be prepared to choose a topic and