Women are without doubt an integral part of the military services. It took the determination of women throughout history to pave the way for the 400,000, women that serve today. From the early years of the military to the present conflict in Afghanistan, women have made continuous progress towards equality. It is through their contributions that the military has evolved, consistently opening more jobs to women in combat. Time has proven that war does not discriminate; a successful military uses the strengths of all members despite their gender.
The Evolution of Women in the Military
Women in Military History
Although not officially enlisted into the services, women have been a part of the military dating back to the American Revolutionary War. Throughout history, they have challenged the norms of society and pursued their dedication to the Nation, fighting for our freedom. Women in the military have fought through challenges and obstacles in both fighting for equality and establishing their roles in combat. It is clear that the military services would not be what they are today without their contributions and sacrifices.
The Early Years
From the American Revolutionary War through the Civil War women contributed to the war in both conventional and unconventional ways. In serving as what we would call today Combat Service Support, they took care of the wounded, brought water to troops, provided laundry services, and served as cooks. Many women directly supported the cause by disguising themselves as men in order to fight in the war. Two such documented cases were Deborah Sampson during the American Revolutionary War and Elizabeth Newcom during the Mexican War. Sampson served in the Continental Forces for over a year, she only earned half of the pension the men received during that time. Newcom enlisted in the Missouri volunteer Infantry and marched for over 600 miles. Once discovered, the military
References: Benedict, H. (2009). The lonely soldier. Boston, MA: Beacon Press Books. Chronicle of nursing. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.asrn.org/jouranl-chronicle-nursing/207-military-nursing.html Gruhzit-Hoyt, O. (1995). They also served. New York, NY: Carol Publishing Group. Highlights in the history of military women. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.womensmemorial.org/Education/timeline.html Muir, K. (1992). Arms and the women. London, England: Sinclair-Stevenson Limited. Weatherford, D. (1990). American women and world war II. New York, NY: Facts on File. Women in the U.S.Army. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.army.mil/women/newera.html