This exam is due at 305 PM into my hands in room W626. It must be typed, 11 point type or larger, and double spaced. Please spell check AND proof. Reread so you find the grammar and syntax errors, as well as the use of the wrong word. As you know, spell check does not catch these errors. You will lose points for these mistakes.
Answer each question completely and in sentences/paragraphs. Bullets okay only for the occasional list. Please submit the answers in numerical sequence, and each section of a question in sequence.
Note: You are to complete this exam on your own, not in teams or with anyone else’s input. Failure to follow this rule will result in all involved students receiving an F grade on the exam.
(10 points)(a)Describe the various environmental forces that affect marketers and their programs. (b)What environmental forces may affect Chobani, why and how?
(5 points) Describe the various “eras” in the history of marketing, starting with the cave men and ending with customer obsession and what were the important motivators.
- cave men - middle ages - industrial revolution
(15 points) (a)It has been said that the best executed strategy and tactics are useless if the mission, goals and objectives are lacking in any way. Explain, and be sure to define your terms. (b) What does SMART stand for and how does it fit into (a) above?
(10 points) (a) Describe the consumer purchase decision process. (b) Using your term project product, discuss how a consumer would go through the process to purchase. (10 points) (a)Describe the differences between secondary and primary research and explain how each is used for optimal marketing results. (b)Describe what you used/are using for your term project and what you got/want to get from it.
( 25 points)(a)Define market segmentation and note the bases on which marketers segment. (b)Discuss why segmentation is such a key marketing concept. (c) Discuss how your team