|B.P. Bond Payable |PIC Paid In Capital.|
|C.S. Common Stock |APIC Additional PIC |
|CSE Common SE |PMR Profit Margin |
|EOF End of |Ratio |
|Financing (Period) |PV Present Value |
|FV Future Value |R.E. Retained |
|IE Interest Expense|Earnings |
|I.S. Income |S.H. ShareHolder |
|Statement |S.E. ShareHolder |
|FS Financial |Equity |
|Statements |SYD Sum of the |
|LCM Lower Cost & |Years’ Digits |
|Market |TA Total Assets |
|M.S. Marketable |TATR Total Asset |
|Securities |Turnover Ratio |
|N.I. Net Income |XA Uncollectable |
| |Accounts |
| |~A Contra-Asset |
| |(negative) |
| |$ CASH |
Balance sheet
|Assets |Liabilities |
|Current Assets |Current Liabilities |
|Cash |Payable (Account, |
|Marketable |Note,Interest, |
|Securities/Stocks |Salaries, Income |
|Short Term |Tax) |
|Investment |Adv. from Customer |
|Receivables (Acct, |(Deferr. Rev) |
|note, interest) |Rent Received In |
|Inventories |Advance |
|Advances To |Non-Current |
|Supplier |Liabilities |
|Prepaid Insurance, |Bonds Payable |
|Rent |Mortgage Payable |
| |Deferred Income |
|Non Current Assets |Taxes |
|Investment In |Other (Provisions) |
|Securities |Shareholders' Equity|
|Land, Buildings & |Common Stock |
|Equip(PP&E) |Preferred Stock |
|Accumulative Depr |Additional Paid In |
|(~A) |Capital (GAAP) |
|Leasehold |Retained Earnings |
|Patent (Only If |(Indirect) |