Johnston has proposed the concept of three main types of hospitality (industry) operations based on the hospitality exchange process: product processing operations, customer processing operations and information processing operations. Most activities are a combination of all three, albeit in different proportions. An accommodation operation is for example predominantly a customer processing operation, with very little product and information processing. Whereas a foodservice operation is a product processing operation, with a significant element of customer processing, and limited information processing.
9. contents of hospitality management:
DEFINITION Hospitality management is the professional management of a hospitality exchange process in a commercial environment.
CONTENTS The contents of it are the hospitality exchange process (focus on how organizations deliver their product/service to the consumer) and the relationship between guest and host.
Hospitality exchange process
HOW OPERATED? (3 main domains of hospitality processing operations)
Johnston has proposed the concept of three main types of operation of hospitality industry based on the hospitality exchange process: product processing operations, customer processing operations and information processing operations. Most activities are a combination of all three, albeit in different proportions. An accommodation operation is for example predominantly a customer processing operation, with very little product and information processing. Whereas a foodservice operation is a product processing operation, with a significant element of customer processing, and limited information processing.
Trend 1: Technocratization of service (most important trend is Production-Line approach: reduce complexity (= reducing costs) and improving quality through turning small operations into batch - process or mass - production systems). Two ways: using