Managers coordinate+oversee work of people so goal can be acc. Nonmanagerial work dir. On task + have no1 reporting to them.
Traditionally Structured Organizations- mgrs can be first-line(at lowest level of mgt manages work of nonmangerial EE), middle(MGR btw lowest lv +top lvl. Mng work of firstline EE), or top(at or near upper lvl. Resp for making org wide dec+ estb goals+plans affect entr org). In loosely configured organizations mgrs. May not be as identifiable even though someone must fill that role.
Organization- an arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. 3 characteristics: 1) a distinct purpose 2) composed of people 3)a deliberate structure. Today’s structure = more open, flexible, and responsive to change.
Management- mgr do involves coordinating and overseeing the efficient and effective completion of others’ work activities.
Efficiency-doing things RIGHT . Resource usage, low waste Means .Effectiveness- doing the right things. Goal attainment (high). Ends
Four function of management- 1. Planning- defining goals, estb. Strategies, devel plans. 2. Organizing- arranging + constr work. 3. Leading-working with and thru people. 4. Controlling- monitor, compare, correcting work perf.
Mintzberg Managerial Roles- 1. Interpersonal- involves people and other ceremonial/symbolic duties. Figurehead, leader, liaison. 2. Informational- involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating info. Monitor, disseminator, and Spokesperson. 3. Decisional-involves making choices. Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. Mintzberg 3 ways managing influence actions 1. By managing actions directly. 2. By managing people who take action. 3. By managing