Important terms
Ontology * It defines how the organization defines the world, their market, their costumers and themselves. * It defines how resources are spent * It defines the range of good and services a company can produce * It is linked very directly to their epistemology
Epistemology * Is concerned with the following questions: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of knowledge? What are its sources? What is its structure, and what are its limits? * It is about issues having to do with the creations and dissemination of knowledge in particular areas of inquiry * Epistemology is important for business because: * It defines what kind of knowledge is valuable * It defines how resources are spent * It defines the range of good and services a company can produce * It defines who your costumers are * Epistemology sets direction for how we perceive and hence work with knowledge within the frame of our ontology
Knowledge * Knowledge implies sustainable, heterogeneous resource distribution * Knowledge changes the nature of resource investment decisions * Path dependency in the knowledge economy increase * Knowledge triggers positive feedback loops rather than negative ones * Knowledge changes the nature of work and property * Knowledge emphasizes the social context * Knowledge is: * Resources are fundamental for economic growth – Combining the tangible and reproducible dimensions * Knowledge has a new and increasingly important role in our society and economy – And we need to focus on what knowledge is
Absorptive capacity * Can be seen as the company´s ability to attract and retain knowledge and turn it into products and services * It is not so much the knowledge they create as the way they can make use of it * It depends on: * Prior knowledge * Dedicated investments * An open approach to