1. Which nutrient makes up over half of an average daily diet?
a. Protein b. Fat c. Carbohyrate d. Fibre
2. Which of the following somatotypes would consume the most fat?
a. Endomorph b. Ectomroph c. Exomorph d. Mesomorph
3. Which nutrient is required for healthy digestion?
a. Water b. Vitamins c. Fat d. Fibre
Section B
1. Define Anorexia and give 2 examples of how it will affect sporting performance. (3 marks)
Anorexia is an eating disorder, which causes people to lose more weight than is healthy for their age and height.
-Lack of nutrition will cause lack of energy, so fatigue could set in.
-Lack of hydration will cause a loss of focus so the performer will not perform to the best of their ability.
2. Define Malnutrition. ( 1 mark) Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function.
3. Why is fibre needed in a balanced diet? (1 mark) Soluble fibre is digested by the body and can lower the cholesterol in your blood. Insoluble cholesterol cannot be digested, is passes through your gut without being broken down and helps other foods move through your digestive system.
4. Name 2 foods carbohydrate is found in and why is it important to our diet? (3 marks) Pasta&Potatoes. -Carbohydrates are important to our diet because they are a source of fast-releasing energy
5. Explain carboloading and why a marathon runner might use it. (5 marks)
Carboloading is the process of eating minimal carbohydrates around a week before a competition, then around 3 days before eating lots of carbohydrates (if not only). This replenishes the body’ glycogen stores, and top them up with more.
A marathon runner might use this because during their event they rely on their glycogen stores, so by adding a little bit more, their performance will become better.
6. Why is protein important