Marketing 111b
July 17, 2013
Technological Environment and Coca-Cola For a company like The Coca Cola Company, the technological environment is a very important part of how to stay relevant and how to stay ahead of the competition. When it comes to mobile devices and how to utilize this age of smart phones and the apps that come with them, The Coca Cola Company has partnered with Spotify to launch a new social music app. “Coca-Cola Placelists let teens tag the world with music by browsing Spotify’s genre-spanning library of more than 20 million licensed tracks, then linking the perfect songs to the perfect places or events – around the corner or around the world (, 2013)”. The Coca-Cola Company is trying to be apart of music sharing on the Internet, which is popular with teens and young adults. When it comes to social media being used to market the Coca-Cola brand and reach larger audiences, Coke is doing just that. “Through dramatic projects such as Coca-Cola.TV, Coca-Cola.FM and live-streaming music events, Coca-Cola has shown the world how revolutionary they can be and how this type of marketing evokes emotional, long-lasting customer engagement (, 2013)”. Obviously The Coca-Cola Company is realizing that being apart of social media is the new way of staying on top of their game and remaining the huge brand that they are. As far as new technology, The Coca-Cola Company is trying to revolutionize the fountain dispensary game within fast food restaurants. If you’ve been to a Burger King lately, then you’ve seen the new fountain dispensaries from Coca-Cola. These new fountain dispensaries allow you to choose from any Coke product with the touch of a finger, on a touch screen, letting the consumer pick from over 100 different possibilities to choose from. This means anything from soda to juice to different types of tea, “We believe this will do for beverages what mp3 did for music, says Ray Crockett, director of
Cited:, By Jay Moye, June 11, 2013, By John Furrier, June 18, 2013, By Jamie Hartford, 2013