Cohen, (1998) see research as a systematic and objective experimentation which allow feedback and assessment to be created. The Praxis enables both the teacher and student to observe judge and act approximately in order for the desired possible outcomes to be realised. Thus educational research makes it possible for quality teaching and learning to take place.
It is worthwhile to present a clear testimonial of positive and strategic innovations that have accrued in the special needs education field where appropriate adaptions have since been implemented in an endeavour to enhance the optimal independent mobility and educational performance of students with disabilities. For instance Educational research has been used in an endeavour to determine how students who are visually blind can be assisted to maximise their educational development. This resulted in the adaptation of any array of devices such as braille, software technology and computer design, optical and electro optical devices, light and glare control devices and visual
References: Ary. D, Jacobs L. C and Razevh A, (1979) Introduction to Research in Education. NJ. Engle Cliffs, New York, Rine Hart & Winston. Best J. W (1970) (2nd Ed) Research in Education. New Jersey, Englewood Cliff, Hall Incorporation. Borg. W. R and Gall, D. G (1990) Educational Research: An Introduction. New York, David Mackay Company. Chimomo, A.C (2010) Research Methods & Statistics in Education, A student’s Guide, Midlands State University. Zimbabwe Cohen ,(1998) Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Science. Routledge and Tyler & Francis Group Ferrell. K. Devlin, M and James, R (2007) Principles Guiding Teaching and Learning. A frame working Guiding Teaching and Language. University of Melbourne