Human nature is that which makes us distinctly human. There is a vast amount of scripture which tells us about human nature in the bible; mainly found in Genesis.
Genesis 1 teaches that our nature as humans is 'God Like.' In Genesis 1:26-28 'God said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Because we are in Gods image, (imago dei) we have some understanding of him (although it is argued this is limited). This is our human nature as we are the only creature who can do this. Imago dei also means that we are loving. In John 4:16 it is described that 'God is love',' which tells us that it is in our nature to love. We see this through our common characteristics such as compassion, patience, justice and faith. Being in Gods image also means we have a number of other characteristics. For example, we have a spiritual capacity, which means we are connected with God. This allows for the possibility of an afterlife, where it is thought we are reunited with god. This is also due to the soul which we have, unlike any other creature. This adds another dimension to our existence which is unique to mankind. Humans are often described as 'sacred,' which is why Lactantius argues that humans should never be sacrificed. This disregards theories such as Utilitarianism whom aim to please the greatest number. Lactantius argues we are all special and one persons happiness (or life) shouldn’t be sacrificed in the name of others'.
However, just because we are made 'in Gods image,' it does not mean that we are God. Rene Magritte, the artist of "This is not a pipe" argues that his painting is not a pipe, it is the image of a pipe. So, if we are made from God image, we cannot think that we are not God.
We also learn from Genesis 1 that humans are given dominion over the earth. God tells us to 'Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!' which shows the clear purpose which we have been given.
In Genesis 2; teaching