POINT 1: Women are treated like objects
TS: Fitzgerald uses many different techniques throughout the novel to show that women are a product of their men and are objectified by society.
- Tom buys Daisy the pearl necklace before their wedding “he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars” and Myrtle a dog leash “a small, expensive dog-leash, made of leather and braided silver.”
- Tom buys Myrtle a dog (a dog is a mans servant) “here’s your money. Go and buy 10 more dogs with it”, shows worthlessness of the dogs to Tom (relevance to Myrtle).
(Other viewpoint) Giacomo and Michael “On the inside, the dog carries the sins of the world and it show how nothing good can come from negative actions, like Myrtle’s death.”
- Daisy and Jordan described after the house “the only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which the two young women [lay]”.
- Tom constantly interrupts daisy, she accepts it (pg. 10 & 14-15).
- Nick refers to Myrtle as “Toms mistress”.
- The only way a woman can gain power is through men.
- Nick refers to Tom and Daisy as the “Tom Buchanans”.
- Wilson feels “physically sick” when he realises that Myrtle has “some sort of like apart from him”- he wants her all to himself.
- Tom gets angry at Daisy being at the party on her own “Tom was evidently perturbed at Daisy’s running around alone”
- Tom thinks Jordan has too much freedom “they oughtn’t to let her run around the country this way”
- Daisy doesn’t attend Gatsby’s funeral “but she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon”- gone under Toms commands.
-"You used to play what with her all the time?" "Checkers." "Checkers, for Chrissake!"Stradlater doesn’t understand that Holden sees Jane as more than a sex object.
- "There isn't any night club in the world you can sit in for a long time unless you can at