s e u s s
l a g
Shaneika Moore
re u lt u C n a ic r e m nA Media Infuences o gg Fawn Erickson-Bra
December 1, 2014
● What can colleges do today to help encourage academic integrity, and deter unethical behavior?
● Do you think the internet has made students less ethical?
● If you knew someone brought a term paper, would you turn him or her in?
● Should there be a code of ethics for internet authors?
● What legal issues arise from information on the internet?
rage u o c n e lp e h o t today o d s e g e ll o c n avior? h e b l a What ca ic h t e n u deter d n a
y it r g e t in academic ● Promote the University’s Ethical Code of
● Have strict rules against plagiarism
● Provide an academic orientation
s less t n e d u t s e d a m et has n r e t n i e h t k in Do you th ethical? YES! The internet makes things easier and more accessible.
● Copy and Paste
● Buy Term Papers Online
would r e p a p m r e t a ought r b e n o e m o s w If you kne
m e h t t r o p e r u o y
I would give them a few choices!
● Write the paper over for partial credit
● Offer Help and Resources
t e n r e t n
r o f t c u Cond f o e d o C a e b e
Should ther
Yes, Internet authors should be able to:
● Cite their sources to show that they are credible
● Have a section for comments so people can post their opinions.
net? r e t in e h t n o n atio m r o f in m o r f e is es ar
What legal issu
● Downloading/Stealing music, movies, and pictures illegally (Piracy)
● Copyright infringement
● Purchasing Term Papers
● Hackers
● Identity Theft
36% of undergraduates admit to “paraphrasing/copying few sentences from Internet source without footnoting it.”
24% of graduate students self report doing the same
38% admit to “paraphrasing/copying few sentences from written source without footnoting it.”
25% of graduate students self report doing the same
14% of students admit to “fabricating/falsifying
References: www.google.com http://www.plagiarism.org/resources/facts -and-stats/ www.help.com www.ask.com