John Barkle IV
ENG 121 English Composition I
Instructor: Antoinette Oesterlein
It is a very merry Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. For some people, Christmas lasts one day. For me it starts the week before Thanksgiving and last the whole month long. I have been celebrating month long Christmases since I was a little boy. My family owns 5 Christmas tree lots, and I have the pleasure of working on our main lot; Deejohn's Christmas Trees in San Mateo. This paper w ill discuss the sites, sounds, and smells of the Christmas tree lot, and how there is no place that says Christmas like a real Christmas tree lot. (Thesis)
The first thing you notice is the lights. Most every Christmas tree lot uses the same types of lights. The temporary lighting system uses evenly spaced bare light bulbs strung methodically above each row of trees. This creates an unmistakeable pattern of lights that screams Christmas tree lot. Maybe it is just because I am so attuned to the business, but I can recognize a Christmas tree lot from a mile away because the way the lights look from a distance is so distinct. Most people probably do not think about it, but next time you are out during the season, keep an eye off into the distance while you drive down the street. I am sure you will understand what I am talking about once you start to look for it. Of course the most distinctive feature of a Christmas tree lot is the trees. We display our trees all in a row,side by side, and sorted by height. As you walk on the lot you notice the trees all grouped together like a little green forest amongst the urban background. Something about the way the trees are arranged in even straight rows, make the little ones want to play hide and seek. Almost every kid who comes on the lot ends up hiding in the trees. Of course every one decorates the place with bright red, green, gold, and silver Christmas ornaments. We have a 5 foot