As a community college student wanting to transfer to a university upon completion of my Associates Degree, I have started to look at different campuses. Naturally, once I began researching the schools I wanted to attend, I had to take many different factors into consideration. Some of those factors are: Location, culture, veteran preference and specific programs for my major. I already know that I will be attending a university in the state of Washington. It has always been my dream to head back up to the Pacific Northwest, and what better way to do that than by furthering my education. I also already know what my major is: Meteorology. After many different sessions, I have narrowed the choice down to two universities. I will be comparing these two institutions, The University of Washington and Washington State University, and which one will satisfy all of my needs.…
Revised 6/1/10 Transfer Course List Worksheet North Carolina Central University- Office of Transfer Services North Carolina Community College Courses Course Code ACA 122 ACC 120 ACC 121 ANT 210 ANT 220 ANT 221 ANT 230 ANT 230A ANT 240 ANT 240A ANT 245 ARA 111 ARA 112 ARA 181 ARA 182 ARA 211 ARA 212 ART 110 ART 111 ART 113 ART 114 ART 115 ART 116 ART 117 ART 121 ART 122 ART 130 ART 131 ART 132 ART 135 ART 140 ART 171 ART 212 ART 213 ART 214 ART 222 ART 223 ART 231 ART 232 ART 235 ART 240 ART 241 ART 242 ART 243 ART 244 ART 245 ART 246 ART 247 ART 248 ART 250 ART 251 ART 252 ART 260 ART 261 ART 262 ART 263 ART 264 ART 265 ART 266 ART 267 Course Title College Transfer Success Prin of Financial Accounting Prin of Managerial Accounting General Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Comparative Cultures Physical Anthropology Physical Anthropology Lab Archaeology Archaeology Field Lab World Prehistory Elementary Arabic I Elementary Arabic II Arabic Lab I P Arabic Lab II Intermediate Arabic I Intermediate Arabic II Introduction to Art…
9. Use this course progression chart (Classes worksheet) to fill out your graduation plan. You will sign up for a total of 6 classes per year. Follow the chart below when picking your classes for 9-12th grade English/LA, Math, Social Studies and Science. Make sure to choose Health/Personal Fitness in 9th grade. You will need to choose 3 classes total in grades 9-12th grade from CTAE/Modern Language/and/or Fine Arts to fulfill that requirement. You will need to choose 4 electives in grades 912th grade to fulfill that requirement. If you cannot decide what you would like to take for your electives, you may choose Elective as I did below. You will also need to choose…
I made the right choice to attend in Kalamazoo Community College because even that I’m new in college and I still don’t know a lot about what college is about, what benefits I might obtain through my college life or how is college system. Going to college is a very essential step in my life. I’ve always said that education is very important. I have to confess, that KVCC is not my dream college, because it is not a 4 year college. I do want to get my bachelor degree to do so I need to transfer to any university, if my economic resources help me into this process I might attend to Western Michigan University (my college dream). Unfortunately I do not have the Kalamazoo Promise to attend to WMU right away, that’s why I chose KVCC as my 2 year…
I had already started the process by having my transcripts transferred from another technical college. It was the beginning of August and I was waiting to hear how many of my credits would transfer. This also happened to be the time of the Wisconsin State Fair. My husband and I attended as we have every year. That trip to the fair changed my course of education in a way I never would have imagined.…
• learning course. If you are registered for a part-time coop or internship, only one online/distance learning course can be counted toward…
I would like to transfer once I get my associate degree at a community college because I feel I am ready to move forward with my education. I currently am enrolled at Cabrillo Community College, which is, for the most part, a transfer prep college. Community College has prepared me to study at a University and I hope to continue my studies as far as I can go. As I grew up, I was interested in a wide range of subjects and never found one thing I was truly passionate about. When I started at community college, I was set on a computer science major because I knew I was computer proficient and enjoyed spending my free time figuring out programs. I struggled a great deal in the major. As I realized that I was not passionate about programming, I…
The new community college for full-time students will not provide a degree in all areas, “All first-year students would be required to take a predetermined core curriculum and would then be limited to their choice of about 12 majors” (Moltz, 2009). The majors that were proposed will be in pre-career fields, which will be designed to assist students with transferability. The transferability requirements to four-year institutions have increased throughout the years and it is important that the two-year college focuses on making sure that student are academically on track to transfer. At times, community college students do not complete a bachelor’s due to the lack of preparation for what is expected of them once they transfer. The curriculum proposed requires full time enrollment and taking more than 12 units per semester, which will prepare students for a better transition to a four-year…
Page 4 is also required but is semester specific. If your schedule is not yet determined, you can submit your application with Page 4 incomplete.…
I am sure that I will not only learn a lot at OCC but also make…
A period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits refers to which of the following stages of the product life cycle?…
My path at ACC began my fourth semester in college, after moving to Elgin. After talking to my counselor and going over degree plans checking off classes I’ve already taken I decided the classes I would be taking here at ACC would be Speech, history 1302, Texas politics, and English. Luckily all my chosen classes would be here at the Elgin campus; I love the small class sizes and have even chosen to do a few online classes. After this semester I will continue my education path by applying for the university of Texas education program. Although I am an aggie I plan to attend the University of Texas because of its closeness and hope to make a few very special family members proud.…
a. This plan conforms to the regulations of the general frame of the program in…
“My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there” -Charles F. Kettering- This time of the year high school seniors are making the biggest decision for their future, what path they will be taking for the next year. Some choose college, others the military, few people chose to take a leap year to take a break from school or travel and see the world. My choice is college. Although I have considered the military I believe that college will be best path for me to take. Looking at many different schools has made it hard for to decide what to do next year but I believe that I have finally come to a decision on where I can see myself for the coming years. I would like to attend ICC for a year and take my general education courses at a cheaper rate, after a year at ICC I would like to transfer to either the University of Tennessee or Illinois State University to study physical therapy.…
Engineering is a profession that uses basic knowledge from the mathematical and natural sciences and utilizes the materials and forces of nature to develop systems that will perform optimally and economically for the benefit of mankind. The Pre-Engineering program is designed to provide for a student’s first two years of a four-year Engineering degree. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of those students who have not yet decided on a specific engineering field. The program focuses on developing a fundamental knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. This AS degree transfers into the General Engineering BSE at Mankato State University. The General Engineering BSE degree will be taught at Mankato’s Richfield site.…