Each individual will go through that stage of life where you feel that you have hit rock bottom and wonder what went wrong, why am I in this position. I agree that, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.,” spoken by the Roman poet, Horace, when one is in a misfortunate situation, one’s mentality and psychological state would strengthened. Nonetheless, each individual is different and some may be stuck at that stage of life until death awaits upon them. I, for one, have been through that phrase, experiencing and overcoming challenges, seen a family friend, let’s call him Leo, wanting to give up continuously but still held onto that tiny shred of hope, and Ralph, a character in the novel, Lord of the Flies, landing on an uninhabited island, learning how to survive, and dealing with conflict within the group. In the summer of 2012, I was diagnosed with a common knee condition among adolescents, however, mine was more extreme as I felt excruciating pain in both knees. At that point of my life, I had to see up to seven doctors, regular checkups at a pain clinic in UCSF, and was in a wheelchair for half a year. I struggled with a deep depression, taking out my anger towards the people around me, stressed from school assignments, I wanted to escape …show more content…
If the plane crash never occurred, and Ralph was living in Great Britain, his skills would’ve took a longer time to surface. His state of mind would have still be an innocent, naive child, living under the shelter of his parents, not knowing the darkness and evil of life. Ralph’s mentality and psychological state fortified when Jack was driven by madness and bloodthirstiness, hunting for his