I am Johnny Cade and when i was first jumped i had looked like a dog that was kicked too many times.I have been in lot´s of fights and I am smaller than what you can call gang members. Were actually not a gang were just one really big group of good friends and we would do anything together.No matter what you will always see us walking near each other because we're there to protect every last one of us.Us greasers feel that we are not safe walking by are selves even if it's just home from the movies.When i had ran i got very tired and was sick of hiding in an old church which had burned down recently.If i were not around when that church burned down kids would have been dead.
The gang called the greasers which i am apart of and which is a big part of my life and there like my family.The other members have always treated me like a brother and have taken me in when i was lonely.I ran away from my family and went to there house and they would always let me into there house no matter what.When i would go to my house my parents were always yelling and i would even get beat.The greasers and the soc´s have really never got along the socś have always been on the top with the news.The greasers have always been in the