1. Lincoff, Nina. "Bike-sharing Stations to Wheel into Miami." Miami Today. Miami Today, 08 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 May 2014. .
Demand for the bicycles as exploration tools is constant and high. People are willing to use bike-sharing programs. Nina Lincoff states, “The demand for an expansion is there. “People currently ride the bikes over into the downtown and Wynwood area to explore other parts of the city,” Mr. Silverman said. Soon, instead of having to bike across Biscayne Bay from Miami Beach and back again to return bicycles, riders will be able to dock bikes downtown.” (1st paragraph) New hubs soon will accommodate this extreme desire.
This source helped me to understand the importance of the bike-sharing program. …show more content…
Suit, Lauren. "Tram Cars Ease the Walk In Wildwood." Cape May County Herald. Digital Press Consortium, 3 July 2007. Web. .
My proposal required some specific details that could serve as backup for my ideas. Laure Suit, reporter for Cape May County, wrote, “With one tram car carrying about 40 people, an estimated 500,000 people ride the tram car each year.” (4th paragraph) Assisted me obtaining it.
Her work zooms onto the specifics of Tram Car service in Wildwood, NJ. This source assisted me with specific details about the Tram Car service used in NJ for over 60 years. I’ve learned great deal of information that I utilized in my proposal.
3. "Bicycle Park-N-Ride." American City & County 125.3 (2010): 47-. Print.
Mirror examples of my proposal create strong support for mine. According to American City & County, “Last fall, a curved glass bicycle parking structure opened for business in the middle of the ramp between Washington 's famous Union Station and the landmark old post office. The $4 million project represents the center of its commitment to using bicycle and alternative transportation to solve parking and congestion problems throughout the city.” (1st Paragraph) Shows dedication put into their proposal. This highlights possibilities of my