Annex B
Annex B
Environmental Policy City of Newcastle, Australia
Newcastle City Council is committed to achieving our community’s environmental goal to become an ecologically sustainable City and will in all of our services seek to lead by example and establish standards of environmental excellence. Council’s policy is to: 1. Commitment Incorporate our environmental management responsibilities into every aspect of our work. 2. Standards Establish and implement best practice environmental performance with standards of excellence, which meet or exceed regulatory requirements in support of the principles of ecological sustainability, and encourage our suppliers and contractors to achieve those same standards. 3. Continual Improvement Regularly measure, audit and review our environmental performance to ensure the organization’s ongoing improvement. 4. Communication Communicate frankly with our community on issues related to our organization’s environmental performance and regularly seek community input. 5. Employees Provide the leadership and training so that our employees can implement this policy, and continue to build the capacity of the organization to achieve continual environmental improvement. 6. Community Leadership Work to develop and promote services and technologies, which are ecologically and economically sustainable, and encourage others to do the same. 7. Resource Efficiency Pursue and implement effective ways of minimizing waste and ensure efficient and sustainable use of energy and natural resources.
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Best Practices Manual
Annex B
8. Pollution Prevention Seek to prevent pollution and manage our wastes in ways to safeguard the community, workplace and environment. Janet Dore General Manager August 1999
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