Try Ayu Nuralam Setiawan
INTRODUCTION I. a. Background
The world has known English as International language which is used for communication tools. It is like an obligation for every country to make English as a subject in every school. Especially for countries which has not English as national language. Indonesia’s government realizes the importance of English and tries to develop the human resource which have capability in communication using English as a foreign language by legalizing the teaching of English in elementary schools through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia No.060/U/1993 dated February 25 1993. It states that the local content subjects can be English subject.
Until now, English subject in Indonesia is studied from elementary school even kindergarten to university. As a foreign language, English is not easy to study. Moreover for students who do not realize the importance of it would feel really difficult. In Junior High School, English is more complex to revise. The student should understand tenses of English. Tenses which are not simple are one of grammar content. The teacher should choose the appropriate method to help student in understanding it and also to get their attraction of it. Sometimes, the teacher does not recognize the importance of method for students’ success and use usual method which is only explain in front of the class. For some students, this method is not really effective to help them. This phenomenon could be seen in students’ skill to make a good sentence.
In reference to the description above, the researcher is interested to help the teacher in preferring appropriate method. The researcher would introduce EGRA method for teaching tenses and measure the students’ success due to this method. Therefore the researcher would conduct the research with the
References: Marpudin.(2008). EGRA METHOD. [Online]. Hamalik, Oemar.(2001). Proes Belajar Mengajar.Jakarta:Bumi Aksara Golan, Joe.(2009). Definition of Learning.[Online] Retrieved: Tanggel, MI.(2009) Experiment Resources (2008). Research Methodology. Retrieved [5 January 2012] from Experiment Resources: Yakussa (2011)