Project Name:
|Introduction/ Background |
|Our project is a new concept different from the many present junk food restaurant chains, with a budget of maximum $450,000 offered|
|by a potential investor (Dr. Akram Tannir), it is an entrepreneurial venture. |
|2.0 Business Objective |
|The main business objective is to be well defined and well differentiated in the current competitive Lebanese food industry. |
| |
|3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement |
|There’s currently no Children’s Healthy Food Restaurant located in ABC mall, which has a great number of loyal customers, who might|
|turn into our own with time. Competition surrounds us. Although they are not direct competitions, being junk food restaurants, |
|nevertheless, they do pose a threat to our business. |
|4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints |
|Critical Assumption: |
|New concept, healthy menu and friendly atmosphere |
|All necessary equipments and appliances and furniture will be installed |