Title: In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) at Different pH of Agar
School : Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School
School Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao Quezon City
Research Adviser: Mr. Ryan D. Balandra
Statement of the Problem
The aim of the study is to identify the effect of different pH level of the Agar plate to the antibacterial activity of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape). Specifically, the study will seek for the answer of the question: 1.) Is there any difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level greater than seven (base)? 2.) Is there any difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level less than seven (acid)?
1.) There is no difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level greater than seven (base). 2.) There is difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level less than seven (acid).
Research Methodology
Materials and Equipment The study will make use of: Agar Plates, specifically Nutrient Agar, for different tests and as a controlled variable for the problem, Nutrient Broth, same purpose as the nutrient agar, Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract, Escherichia coli, for the gram positive, Bacillus , for gram negative, and Candida________ a test subject for the study. Also, the study will make use of litmus paper for measuring and maintining the pH level of the Agar plates. The study will also make use of spectrophotometry.
Research Design The study will use Complete Randomized Design as a Research Design. Control Group Design is two parallel experiments are set up, identical in all respects except that only one includes the treatment being explored by the
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