
Examples Of Allegory In Animal Farm

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Examples Of Allegory In Animal Farm
Activity #1

A. Animal farm is a story about the animals that live on Manor Farm who think they are being mistreated. The character in these situations in this story are similar the same situations that occurred leading up to the Russian revolution. An Allegory represent a story that reveals a hidden message so this story definitely depicts that. Old Major was an old boar who inspires everyone and teaches the other animals. “Word had gone around during the day that Old Major, the prize middle white boar, had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate to the other animals”. After Old Major dies “Pre’eminent among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon, whom mister jones was breeding up for sale.” Old Major represents Karl Marx, Snowball and Napoleon are similar to Trotsky and Stalin. Snowball and Napoleon are always at odds with their plans about the farm just like Stalin and Trotsky were always at odds also. Napoleon drives Snowball away and Trotsky is exiled and Stalin takes over. Animal farm is a bunch of animals taking over a farm, it portrays the farm as a government and how leaders abuse their power. Animalism is really communism.
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The rhetorical components of Animal farm or used by Napoleon to make sure all the animals believe in everything he tells them. He uses Squealer to relay all his messages. Squealer the pig is someone that all the other animals listen to. He calls them comrades and this aids the pig in persuading that he is truly their friend. “Comrades! You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples.” The animals believe in him and what Napoleon is

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