
Examples Of Antigone In The Odyssey

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Examples Of Antigone In The Odyssey
The Odyssey features a tragic hero, in the eyes of Aristrotle, which is Neil Armstrong. He is a hero in the eyes of Americans. His tragic flaw is having too much confidence in his skill and impatience. On paragraph 8 (As I was pining on something magnificent, beguiling, and dappled), we started off with the astronauts exploring and getting ready to head home. Then mission control stated clearly that the trip would be fatal and dangerous due to asteroids blocking the way, but Neil’s ego led him to believe that his piloting skills could let him maneuver across without getting hit (he was also homesick and was impatient). But due to his flaws, the ship got hit by an asteroid, which leads Neil to see his friends die to his blunder.

Secondly, the main idea for my story is that we should not be overconfident in our skills because we can make other people hurt in the process. From what I stated above, we know that his personality cost him the life of his friends. From what I interpret, this scenario fits in the dunning-Kruger effect.Its when a person has a cognitive bias where people overestimate themselves in their skills. From what I researched, I
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For instance, the summary of The Odyssey has a plot point of seeing his comrades die right in front of him. The main character had to watch his friends die in vain due to his ignorance and overconfidence. When the tragic events happened, it first made the crew fight each other for their own lives, but later it shattered the main character because his friends sacrificed their lives for him, giving him PTSD-type effects and making him traumatized for life. “We all calmed down, and unexpectedly, they pushed me into the pod and locked it tight. Seconds from the inevitable, goodbye, apologies, and cries replace all the

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