Ms. Smith
Senior British Literature Semester 1
11 June 2015
Anglo Saxon Characteristics in Beowulf
During the Anglo Saxon era in England, a valiant and brave warrior was one of the most valuable assets a king could have. Due to this, much of the writing from this period were epics and tales with a heroic warrior as the main character. One of the most famous examples or archetypes of this type of writing is the epic poem Beowulf. In this story, the main character, Beowulf, is a marvelous warrior and possesses many of the various Anglo Saxon traits. There are three categories of characteristics in Beowulf that are particularly effective and intriguing, and those include: The lord providing rewards for a warrior’s service, the values …show more content…
The warriors were given treasures, arms, and feasts among other rewards for their terrific valor in battle. Beowulf received offerings like this for his expeditions. Hrothgar says to Beowulf, “Show forth thy valiant strength, be watchful against the foe. Thy desires shall not be unsatisfied, if thou escape with thy life from the great adventure.” (lines 660-662). Hrothgar tells Beowulf over the feast at the mead hall that he will be rewarded handsomely if he defeats Grendel and restores order to Herot. Beowulf will fulfill Hrothgar’s request and receive his purse for completing the quest. This is an example of how the lords were generous to the warriors that protected their kingdoms. When Beowulf dies, he passes his belongings onto Wiglaf, his most loyal warrior. Right before he dies, Beowulf “The great-hearted king took from his neck the ring of gold; gave this to thane, the youthful warrior, his helmet gold-adorned, his ring and his byrnie, bade him enjoy them well.” (lines 2809-2812). Beowulf commends Wiglaf for his bravery and loyalty in a situation where his other warriors deserted him and left him to die. Wiglaf will inherit his riches because of this. Beowulf passes on his whole inheritance to his bravest warrior instead of a family